This is the year that my niece is going to elementary school, and I, living in the U.S., have been looking forward to the countdown to the first day of school in April, as I often look at my calendar.

When I visited to Japan in March, my niece showed me her school bag. Since she is smaller than the other children, her school bag looks even bigger.

On the day of the school opening ceremony, I was looking forward to the pictures coming from my sister. Until last month, she couldn't even go to the bathroom by herself, but she woke up on time, got ready, and even urged her sister, "Mom, it's time to go.

The first day she went to school with her parents, but from the second day, my niece goes to school by herself. She woke up on time as well, and her mother took her to the road to drop her off.

It was the same road they used to walk to kindergarten together every day until recently. My niece started to walk alone, carrying her big school bag.

The mother expected her daughter to look back at least a little bit, but she never looked back and went straight ahead.

Just, just looking ahead.

It was the parents who couldn't keep up with the change in their child, and my sister was depressed for a couple of days, but after a while she seemed to accept it.

My niece is almost 6 years old. For her birthday, I'm going to get her new shoes instead of a stuffed animal.










